Saturday 2 May 2015


     Perceptiveness has the meaning of having or showing the sensitive vision. Gerald Norman Pencer who born in April 26, 1945 and ended his life in February 3, 1998 due to brain tumour was the most suitable entrepreneur who possess the perceptiveness characteristic. Gerald Norman Pencer is the successful entrepreneur who took over an infamous soft drink manufacturer named Cott to its biggest high.  At the mid-1980s, Cott Corporation was facing some problem, which they needed to find out a way to beat the giant of soft drink industry, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. (Entrepreneurial Characteristics) Gerald Norman Pencer who was very perceptive had successfully made the Cott become one of the biggest selling items in the industry.
        Gerald Norman Pencer decided to develop Cott as private label bottler. Gerald contracted with some retail stores and supermarkets to provide the diverse of soft drinks that could be packaged under retailer’s brand. Gerald challenged Pepsi and Coca-Cola with his whole new method of distribution one that allowed retailers to make more profits with offering the cheaper soft drinks to the customer. Nowadays, Cott have successfully become the world’s largest retailer brand label soft drink provider. The perceptiveness of Gerald Norman Pencer had made the changes in Cott Corporation.


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